

  • 主演:Magaye  Niang  
  • 导演:玛缇·迪欧普  
  • 分类:纪录片
  • 地区:法国
  • 年份:2013
  • 更新:2024-04-16T23:08:02
  • 简介:  The film accompanies Magaye Niyang, a star of Touki-Bouki, a 1972 classic directed by h..
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  • 剧情介绍
千阳剧情介绍:千阳是由玛缇·迪欧普执导,Magaye Niang等人主演的,于2013年上映,该纪录片讲述的是  The film accompanies Magaye Niyang, a star of Touki-Bouki, a 1972 classic directed by her own uncle Djibril Diop. Following this path, we are witness of Niyang travel to a special screening of the film, which has a public release in his old town. Niyang seems detached and with a heavy longing from the past, and therefore, the film debris permeates everything with unescapable sorrow and fascination.  Diop film is, first and foremost, a nostalgic travel through memory, time and recreation. It is also a watermark in contemporary experimental documentary, a very intimate portrait of a lost long journey through the past that isn’t returning anymore, a detachment of rejected fame, recognition and connection which is heavily grounded on a legacy that belongs to the past, and that connects dire..(《千阳》纪录片于2024-04-16 23:08由奇奇影院收集自网络发布。)


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